Is 8 Really the Luckiest Number? The Surprising Truth Behind This Global Phenomenon

4 min readSep 11, 2024


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In the swirling world of numerology and cultural superstitions, few numbers command as much reverence and mystique as the number 8. From its shape, resembling infinity, to its phonetic similarities to words associated with prosperity, 8 has been embraced across continents and civilizations as a harbinger of good fortune. But is this number truly a magnet for luck, or have we fallen victim to a universal case of confirmation bias?

The Global Obsession With the Number 8

From East Asia to the West, the number 8 has acquired an almost mystical status. In Chinese culture, the number 8 is highly esteemed, primarily because of its phonetic resemblance to the word for “wealth” or “prosper” (bā in Mandarin). This belief is so strong that during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the opening ceremony was scheduled to begin at exactly 8:08:08 PM on August 8th — a date bursting with triple eights.

But China isn’t the only place where this number is believed to have special powers. In India, the number 8 is linked to the planet Saturn (Shani), often associated with power and authority. Even in Western cultures, where the fascination with numerology is less pronounced, 8 has its moments. Real estate agents in the U.S. have noted that properties featuring the number 8 in their addresses often sell for higher prices, particularly among Asian buyers.

The Psychological Allure of Eight

What is it about the number 8 that fuels this widespread allure? Psychologists suggest that the answer lies in a combination of cultural reinforcement and the human brain’s inherent fondness for patterns. The symmetrical, looped shape of the number 8 may evoke a sense of continuity and balance, resonating with our subconscious desire for stability and prosperity.

Moreover, once a belief takes hold — such as the idea that 8 is lucky — confirmation bias often follows. People start to notice instances that support their beliefs while ignoring or downplaying counterexamples. The popularity of 8 in Chinese culture has arguably created a self-reinforcing cycle: because it’s associated with wealth and success, people pay extra for things like phone numbers, license plates, or even wedding dates featuring this digit. The resulting economic success of those transactions then becomes more “proof” of the number’s power.

When Luck Runs Out: The Flip Side of Number 8

However, not all cultures view 8 as a bearer of good fortune. In some regions of South Asia, the number is considered inauspicious due to its association with Shani, the god of karma and justice, who brings about hardships and challenges. In Japan, while the number 8 is generally seen positively, the word for “eight” (hachi) can also imply a cutting or separation, particularly when it comes to matters of personal relationships.

The differing interpretations of the number 8 around the world raise intriguing questions about the nature of luck itself. If a number’s “luckiness” is culturally contingent, does that undermine the whole concept? Is it possible that 8’s power is simply the result of societal beliefs and the human tendency to see what we want to see?

The Business of Luck

The belief in the luck of 8 is not just a cultural or psychological phenomenon; it has become a lucrative business. Companies exploit these superstitions to their advantage, whether through marketing products that prominently feature the number 8 or through pricing strategies that appeal to culturally ingrained notions of fortune. Auction prices for vanity phone numbers, license plates, or even domain names featuring the number 8 can soar into the thousands of dollars.

For example, in 2016, a Chinese businessman paid a staggering $2.3 million for the license plate “28” — with 8 being doubly significant in this case because it appears twice when pronounced in certain Chinese dialects. This intersection of belief and economics highlights how deeply the idea of lucky numbers is embedded in both personal and corporate spheres.

The Scientific Perspective: Is It All Just Chance?

From a purely scientific standpoint, there’s no inherent power in the number 8 to bring about wealth or success. Random events remain random, and assigning special significance to a particular number is an example of how humans seek patterns and meaning, even where none exists.

In the world of finance and investing, relying on numerological beliefs could be seen as akin to gambling — placing faith in something without empirical evidence to support it. Yet, the psychological comfort that comes from believing in a lucky number can be powerful. In uncertain times, a small sense of control can be invaluable, even if it’s just a comforting illusion.

Conclusion: The Power of Belief

So, is 8 really a lucky number? The answer, it seems, depends largely on where you are and what you believe. For millions, the number 8 will continue to symbolize good fortune and prosperity. For others, it might hold no special meaning at all. Ultimately, the true power of the number 8 — and indeed any lucky charm — lies not in the object itself but in the belief and meaning we attach to it.

In a world where the line between chance and fate often blurs, perhaps the real magic of the number 8 is its ability to make us feel a little more optimistic, a little more in control, and a little more hopeful about the future. And maybe that, in itself, is the luckiest outcome of all.




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